The California Natural Resources Agency awarded a total of $87.6 million to 26 projects that employ a mix of traditional and green infrastructure solutions to alleviate urban flooding.
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Blue-roof implementation is on the rise in the United States and, indeed, around the world. First conceived in 2008, these ROOF assemblies have proved to be an emerging technology that changes the game in densely populated, urban areas like San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York.
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Siphonic roof drainage differs from conventional gravity drainage in what is called ‘full-bore flow.’ Unlike conventional drainage, a fully engineered siphonic roof drain system prevents air from entering, allowing the pipes to be completely full of water.
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In the November 2013 issue of The Construction Specifier, we published the article, “Controlling Stormwater at the Source,” by Katie McKain, ASLA, MLA, MUD. David R. Smith, CSI, of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI), wrote in about what he felt were some inaccuracies; we then shared his comments with the author.
I read with interest Ms. McKain’s article. She made some inaccurate statements about permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) that require correction. This … Continue reading Re-examining Paver Performance
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates stormwater runoff is responsible for 70 percent of all water pollution in lakes, rivers, and creeks. When developers use conventional methods such as impervious surfaces, stormwater is often left uncontrolled.
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