Tag Archives: United States

Shelter from the storm

This year is shaping up to be a record-breaking one for tornadoes and severe weather. In just the first nine months, nearly 1300 tornadoes swept across the country. Since 2009, the International Building Code (IBC) has included standards for tornado shelters. However, not until the 2015 edition did it require certain buildings in tornado-prone areas to take additional precautionary measures. New K–12 facilities with occupant loads of 50 or more, as well as critical emergency operations, are among the structures that are now required to include a storm shelter if they reside in a 402-km/hr (250-mph) wind speed zone.

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UL launches new support tools for life safety design

Last month, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) unveiled new services and support tools for architects and contractors. Designed as a self-service guidance, UL Architectural Services provides resources to help design/construction professionals locate code-compliant fire-resistance and smoke-protection solutions for projects.

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ACI celebrates innovation in concrete

Earlier this month, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) honored the winners of the 2017 Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards during the Concrete Convention and Exposition in Anaheim, California. R·torso·C, a home sitting on an area of 66 m2 (710 sf) in central Tokyo, Japan, won the overall Excellence award and also topped the Low-rise Buildings category.

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