Tag Archives: Vapor barrier

Failures: Beware of condensation in the attic

Prior to the adoption of the 2015 International Building Code (IBC), vents were required in the roof assembly to allow the “attic” space—between the underside of the roof deck and the top of the ceiling below—to vent to the exterior. However, the volume of air movement provided by these vents is rarely sufficient to mitigate moisture problems.

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Specifying metal rainscreen assemblies

Metal can be formed into several shapes, sizes, colors, and textures to meet almost any aesthetic. If specified correctly, the assembly will last for the life of the building with very few issues. Three broad categories—composites, insulated metal panels (IMPs), and single-skin—of metal rainscreens are widely used.

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The air/vapor barrier must die

As manufacturers introduce materials with new properties and attempt to push the boundaries of building envelope construction, it is crucial the industry agrees on terminology for communicating the specific functions and purpose of these materials to avoid confusion and costly errors. In this regard, the term ‘air/vapor barrier’ is misleading and should be replaced with more appropriate terminology.

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Employing PSA tapes in HVAC applications

Pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape is actually a multifaceted and versatile product with usage going beyond its more understood “stickiness.” PSA tape technologies have properties for insulating a building from environmental events such as precipitation, vapor ingress, extreme cold and heat, as well as external noise.

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