Tag Archives: Wall assemblies

Where to find compliant NFPA 285 test data

Designers, specifiers, and code officials are unfamiliar with the best ways to locate information regarding National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 285 test data and tested assemblies. This article provides guidance on how and where to find compliant tested assemblies and the extension of test data through engineering analyses.

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Polyiso: more than just continuous insulation

If building managers cannot adequately control water and moisture permeation within their wall assembly due to natural events and poor design, it can cause extensive damage, impact aesthetics, and contribute to poor indoor air quality (IAQ) and mold growth, which is proven to have harmful effects on the health and well-being of occupants. Polyiso continuous wall insulation not only resists water but also offers superior thermal resistance to help ensure long-term energy efficiency within the building envelope.

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The air/vapor barrier must die

As manufacturers introduce materials with new properties and attempt to push the boundaries of building envelope construction, it is crucial the industry agrees on terminology for communicating the specific functions and purpose of these materials to avoid confusion and costly errors. In this regard, the term ‘air/vapor barrier’ is misleading and should be replaced with more appropriate terminology.

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