Tag Archives: Weather-resistive barriers

Bridging form and function with modern rainscreens

From a cladding perspective, a rainscreen assembly is a practical way to achieve a high-performing building envelope. The popularity of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) in envelopes has increased substantially year over year and, in some cases, has become the cladding of choice for architects thanks to the material’s performance characteristics, sustainable construction, durability, and life-cycle attributes.

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Innovative in-situ repairs of stucco-clad EEEs

Recent collapses of exterior elevated elements (EEEs) like balconies, walkways, and stairs have caused injuries and fatalities, leading to increased scrutiny of these features. Based on decades of experience inspecting and repairing these structures, stucco-clad EEEs on weather-exposed elevations are particularly susceptible to structural damage and catastrophic failure than unclad EEEs.

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