Little Rock Chapter
At the Chapter level, the Sanders have accounted for multiple chapter officers and have either served or chaired most of the various chapter committees. At the Region level, they have again accounted for multiple region officers as well as served as members or chairs of several committees. At the Institute level, they have served as directors and chaired multiple committees. While the full impact of their membership may never be known, the association would be much poorer without their involvement.
As members of the Little Rock Chapter, a family member has been awarded:
- Albert R. Hibbs Award (highest chapter award) three times;
- Betty C. Hays Mentorship Medal (implemented in 2005 as the second-highest chapter award) two times;
- Leo J. Hiegel President’s Award a total of 12 times; and
- 14 other awards, including the establishment and awarding of the Michael L. Sanders Educator’s Award.
At the Region level, they have received nine awards including one Robert V. Bishop Award to Michelle (highest region award).
At the Institute level, Jan and Michelle have been honored as Fellows. The J. Norman Hunter Award (CSI’s highest education award) was awarded to Michael and the Robert P. Brousseau Award to Michelle. From 1989 to 2015, a member of the Sanders Family has served as an officer or board member on the Chapter, Region, or Institute level. During the same time frame, there were only three years where a Sanders family member was not actively involved as either a chair or member.
As chapter president (and soon, Gulf States director), I depend on Jan, Michael, and Michelle regularly for advice on issues facing the chapter, new ideas, or solutions for chapter issues and problems. I also depend on them to be my sounding board for ideas to help the chapter grow. Without their guidance, ‘corporate memories,’ and experience, I would have likely traveled down unsuccessful paths. Personally, I know my level of involvement would not have been as great had they not shown me how involvement benefitted me personally as well as professionally. They showed me the level of commitment every member should have and were examples of why all good leaders always lead by example.
As CSI moves forward and brings new and younger members, I know the entire Sanders Clan will be there for advice and guidance. I can only hope that sometime in the future I might be considered a source of advice and guidance. If this occurs, it will be because of the example the Sanders have set.
Billy J. Mathis, CSI, CDT, is an administrative assistant for architecture at Taggart Architects. He has been a member of CSI since 1998, and is the recipient of countless CSI awards in addition to being the Little Rock Chapter President. Mathis can be reached via e-mail at
Great write up on a really great Sanders Family.
Message is clear and the value of CSI must be communicated to Institute, Region, Chapter and prospective new members.
Jim Neison
Great story and an awesome example of a family passing down it’s values to next generation. And in this case CSI values. James is right we need to share this story as a great example of what several generations of members have seen as the value of CSI.