Understanding construction risks at CSI’s academy

by nithya_caleb | February 26, 2018 9:43 am

The CSI Academy conference on risk management will be held in Chicago from April 26 to 27.
Photo © www.bigstockphoto.com

The CSI Academy[2] is holding a one-and-a-half-day conference on risk management from April 26 to 27 at Sofitel Chicago Magnificent Mile[3], Chicago. The event features two tracks of focused educational content—Project Conception and Project Execution.

Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals, as well as individuals who are new to risk management, implementing a risk management plan, or wishing to be familiarized with the general terminology and best practices, are expected to attend the event.

The conference includes dedicated pre-event programming with fellow participants on the basics of risk management and its benefits to the overall project.

Timothy J. Corbett, BSRM, MSM, CERG, LEED GA, Allied AIA, Kimberly Kozak, PE, PMP, RMP, and Andrew D. Mendelson, FAIA, will speak at the event.

A variety of topics will be discussed, including:

Registration is open to industry professionals, with discounts for CSI members. Participants receive forms, templates, and risk management plan materials, as well as up to 12 professional development hours (PDHs) towards CSI certification renewal.

Click here to register[4], or visit the academy[5] for more information on the learning objectives, the schedule, hotel reservations, and FAQs

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chicago.jpg
  2. CSI Academy: https://www.csiresources.org/education/academy
  3. Sofitel Chicago Magnificent Mile: https://secure.sofitel.com/store/index.html#/en/rooms?dateIn=2018-04-25&children=&nights=2&adults=1&hotelCode=2993&domainId=www.sofitel.com
  4. register: https://www.csiresources.org/home/widgettest?cobaltsrc=https://csiwidgetportal.cobaltsaas.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/Authentication/HigherLogicLogin.ashx%3FRedirectURL%3Dhttps%3a%2f%2fwww.csiresources.org%2fevents%2fempages%2fregistration%2fselect-registrants%3fRegistrationKey%3dc792b27e-47a2-46fb-9b4c-80fe87f4cff0%26StepNumber%3d0
  5. academy: https://www.csiresources.org/education/academy

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/understanding-construction-risks-csis-academy/