The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has expanded its online data visualization resources, allowing access to aggregated green building project information in more than 150 countries.
Following on the U.S. state market briefs launched in the spring, the international market briefs detail Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects by owner sector, rating system, and space type for all countries, along with in-market LEED credentialed professionals and USGBC members.
“LEED is driving innovation and sustainable development across the globe,” said Mahesh Ramanujam, USGBC chief operating officer. “These market briefs offer a global view, country by country, simultaneously representing the international demand for LEED and our commitment to making the story and the data behind it transparent.”
The gross commercial square footage certified by the Green Building Certification Institute outside the U.S. rose from 156 to 176 million square feet in a single year (2012-2013). Currently, more than 648 million square feet of commercial space is LEED certified outside the United States, including new buildings in Venezuela and Kuwait, along with Canada, India, China, and throughout Europe.
The international market briefs can be downloaded either as a visualization or as a raw data file at usgbc.org/advocacy/country-market-brief