USGBC opens registrations for LEED v4.1

by sadia_badhon | January 30, 2019 4:40 pm

The newest version of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating program aims to improve energy performance and emphasizes human health and integrative building design. Photo courtesy USGBC[1]
The newest version of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating program aims to improve energy performance and emphasizes human health and integrative building design.
Photo courtesy USGBC

The U.S. Green Building Council[2]’s (USGBC’s) newest version of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design[3] (LEED) green building program, LEED v4.1[4], is open for registration for new construction projects as well as interior spaces with LEED v4.1 BD+C and LEED v4.1 ID+C.

According to USGBC, the goal of LEED v4.1 is to make the rating system more accessible based on information learned from LEED v4 project teams. This newest beta version updates performance thresholds and previously referenced standards. The changes also promote improved performance throughout the life of buildings, rewards leaders based on their performance, and incorporates performance reporting to enable building owners to track progress toward environmental, social, and governance goals.

“LEED v4.1 is aimed at addressing the challenges projects face as they pursue their sustainability goals,” said Melissa Baker, senior vice-president of USGBC. “BD+C updates referenced standards to encourage leadership and responds to market feedback. ID+C updates mirror BD+C while also focusing on the realities projects experience as they interact with their base building.”

  1. [Image]:
  2. U.S. Green Building Council:
  3. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design:
  4. LEED v4.1:

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