NEW YORK & SHANGHAI–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) and GIGA, an independent third-party company specializing in the development of building standards and cloud-based assessment tools, announced today that the two organizations will form a strategic partnership to align applicable areas of IWBI’s WELL Building Standard™ (WELL) and GIGA’s RESET™ Standard. This partnership will also include the integration of RESET’s data collection and assessment framework into the operability of WELL.
Both WELL and RESET focus on the health and well-being of people where they live, work, learn, play and heal. WELL is a holistic, performance-based building standard designed to create healthy indoor spaces across seven categories of building performance and human impact: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind. RESET focuses on the use of sensors to provide real-time data relevant to human health and well-being related specifically to indoor environmental quality assessment.
“The rapidly developing sensor industry is literally resetting our understanding of how we measure and communicate indoor environmental quality, a key component of how buildings impact human health and productivity,” said Raefer Wallis, founder of the RESET Standard. “RESET fosters rapid innovation and improvements in technology by developing and deploying standards for sensor performance, calibration, installation and data communication. Partnering with WELL, establishing research collaborations with leading academic partners, and working with other standard setting organizations and third-party certifiers enables us to move this critical area of positive health intervention forward with far more impact.”
“Creating a bridge between RESET and WELL as it relates to achieving improved indoor environmental quality will enable RESET certified participants to more easily incorporate WELL certification into their buildings,” said Rick Fedrizzi, Chairman and CEO of IWBI. “This linkage has been proven as a successful way to expand the health standards tools available to project teams and reduce costly and time-consuming duplications of effort, a core focus of the work we continue to do with standard setting organizations globally. This partnership between RESET and WELL, and potentially other building standards, opens the door to new ways we can accelerate adoption of healthy building design and operations practices by building owners, developers, corporations and municipalities. It’s a very exciting time for the industry.”
About the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™)
The International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) is a public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health and wellness through the built environment. Public benefit corporations like IWBI are an emerging U.S. structure for corporations committed to balancing public benefits with profitability – harnessing the power of private capital for greater good. IWBI administers the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL) – a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of buildings that impact the health and wellness of the people who live, work, and learn in them.
About RESET™
RESET is a scalable, technology driven building standard and certification program focused on real-time data for human health and wellbeing. RESET encompasses standards for IEQ sensor performance, calibration, installation and data reporting. RESET’s assessment infrastructure and metrics are used by hundreds of companies to track and communicate the health performance of buildings both new and old, be it for tenant acquisition, talent retention or to optimize the risk/return profile of real- estate investments.
Callie Stanton, 646-654-3438