While MasterFormat is the industry standard for organizing specifications for commercial projects, there are category exceptions specifiers, general contractors, and others should know about when using the CSI formats in the specification process. A change has recently been enacted that adds another subcategory to Section 08 54 00–Composite Windows....
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Bollard posts are a direct enhancement to any structure’s safety, but are often overlooked. They play a significant role in both safety and aesthetics for almost any business. These simple, practical, and cost-effective security devices create barriers to protect pedestrians, buildings, and other vehicles.
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Safe rooms are specially designed structures that offer an enclosed space for people to seek refuge in the event of extreme weather, such as tornadoes and hurricanes. These structures are designed to provide what the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) considers to be “near-absolute protection”—a term describing the level...
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Mass timber—specifically cross-laminated timber (CLT)—continues to spread across the nation as an alternative to traditional concrete and steel construction. CLT panels are described as large-scale, predesigned, and highly engineered for precise tolerances.
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Since the introduction of plywood and glued-laminated timber (glulam) beams more than a century ago, engineered wood has continuously progressed to provide greater strength, versatility, consistency, and many other attributes. Today, the engineered wood category encompasses oriented strand board (OSB), strand and fiber siding, laminated strand lumber (LSL) I-joists,...
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According to the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA), there are seven different categories of air barrier assemblies. Each offers advantages depending on a number of factors, including geography, labor considerations, and even the height of the structure.
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by Chris Hines
Stone has long been admired as a building material that not only looks beautiful, but also withstands the test of time. From the Great Pyramids and parts of the Colosseum to some of the oldest homes in America, many stone structures still stand after centuries.
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Highly glazed assemblies allow for daylight and views, but poor fenestration can also lead to thermal comfort issues, a reduction in the façade’s overall thermal performance, and condensation problems leading to indoor air quality (IAQ) impacts.
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Aluminum is a cost-effective building material option that can support green initiatives without compromising design integrity. With minimal environmental impact throughout its life cycle duration it is frequently specified for various enclosures and fenestration systems.
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A masonry cavity wall system must successfully perform multiple functions throughout the life of the building. A proper wall is expected to manage moisture, air, and heat, contain fire, and hold up the structure itself.
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