Many conflate R-value with good thermal performance or insulating value. The belief is the higher the R-value, the better the thermal performance. However, as a blanket statement, this could not be any further from the truth.
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Construction operations are highly fragmented and complex in nature. This often leads to high levels of waste, making it difficult to build sustainable projects. This article explores an integrative approach to building green, lean, and safe projects—it proposes incorporation of lean construction strategies into sustainable design and construction to...
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Shrinking, creeping, cracking—they sound like things that happen in a grade-B horror flick, yet hit the nail on the head when describing problems with concrete.
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Once a building owner invests in the longevity promised by a standing-seam metal roof, there will be little patience for leaks. A standing-seam roof—one of the longest-lasting options available—is often specified because of its durability and minimal maintenance requirements.
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With mounting recognition of the need to support focused work and promote wellness, many organizations are looking to provide building occupants with improved speech privacy, noise control, and acoustic comfort.
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Architects, specifiers, and roofing contractors play an important role when working with a building owner to design a commercial structure that protects occupants from the outside environment.
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San Francisco’s LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a 115-year-old social services organization serving people who are blind or have low vision. In designing the organization’s new headquarters, the architects at Mark Cavagnero Associates had the opportunity to reimagine their usual design process and rethink how to...
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Pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape technologies have properties that can insulate a building from environmental events such as precipitation, vapor ingress, extreme cold and heat, and external noise. While there may be a temptation to use putties and caulks instead of PSA tapes for insulation purposes, those materials are typically...
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When it comes to multilayered dry-joint rainscreen systems, designers face a potential loophole in the specification/installation process. Should a leak occur in a rainscreen design, before or after the project’s completion, the owner is faced with a costly dilemma. The problem usually occurs when there are different subcontractors for...
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Hundreds of years ago, buildings were thought of much more simply—as shelter, meant to protect people from the elements. Today, that purpose holds, but the technology, practices, and materials that go into high-performing building enclosures have evolved to do more.
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