Building information modeling (BIM) is a dynamic tool to assist all contract parties in better coordinating each and every phase of construction.
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How do design/construction professionals know what equipment and systems will meet the needs of their next building projects? The answer is influenced by many factors—from upfront costs and ease of installation to integration with existing systems and flexibility for the future.
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CONSTRUCT is the only dedicated national event specifically designed to provide the commercial building team with real-world, practical product
and education solutions. It will take place in Providence, Rhode Island from September 13 to 15.
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It is incumbent on designers and specifiers to develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of how various products and materials impact the environment.
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Concrete has long reigned as the material of choice for many structural floors, but inherent difficulties with its use continue to be a source of disputes on construction projects.
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In addition to the hurricanes
and catastrophic floods making national headlines, a damaging flood happens frequently in the United States, caused by heavy rainfall, dam failures, land development runoff, drainage problems, inland remnants of tropical storms, or many other conditions.
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A building’s framing system performs the essential task of providing strength and stability to the structure, offering a path to transfer loads from gravity, uplift, and seismic forces to the foundation.
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By adding functional space to
the building exterior, plazas provide inviting areas that extend building use throughout the day and evening. As the needs of the owner and occupants change, plaza rehabilitation can incorporate new amenities and landscape elements to adapt to building use.
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Erecting a new building in an urban setting means coordinating a whole range of challenges not faced in open areas. Just managing the logistics—material deliveries and construction site traffic, for example—takes on a new level of complexity in the face of rush-hour traffic and sidewalks full of people.
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All too often, design/construction professionals end up in a rush to pump out bids that seem to be routine, everyday tasks. What happens when you are awarded a project, then come to find out you were low bid for all the wrong reasons?
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