Time to rethink floodproofing

In addition to the hurricanes 
and catastrophic floods making national headlines, a damaging flood happens frequently in the United States, caused by heavy rainfall, dam failures, land development runoff, drainage problems, inland remnants of tropical storms, or many other conditions.
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Building in tight urban spaces

Erecting a new building in an urban setting means coordinating a whole range of challenges not faced in open areas. Just managing the logistics—material deliveries and construction site traffic, for example—takes on a new level of complexity in the face of rush-hour traffic and sidewalks full of people.
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But I didn’t bid it that way!

All too often, design/construction professionals end up in a rush to pump out bids that seem to be routine, everyday tasks. What happens when you are awarded a project, then come to find out you were low bid for all the wrong reasons?
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