Specifying seismic ceiling safety

The International Building Code (IBC) sets minimum requirements for life safety and preservation of property. All 50 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands use the code at local or statewide levels. Following its requirements helps increase safety and may decrease possible long-term liability costs.
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Different applications, different anchors

For certain projects, it may be difficult to use standard corrugated steel brick ties while adhering to all the Masonry Standards Joint Committee’s MSJC Code requirements. This web feature serves as a supplement to a January 2016 issue that explored more traditional applications for anchors.
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The architect as initial decision-maker

All claims and disputes between the owner and the contractor on projects using American Institute of Architects (AIA) A232, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction must be submitted to a first-fact-finder for investigation and a written decision before proceeding to mediation or arbitration.
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